Ever see someone flick a cigarette butt down a stormwater drain and think, “I wish there was a trash can for that… with some community-designed educational signage… and maybe a task force… and maybe…”? Us, too. All the time. (Then again, we often get lost in civic daydreaming!) That’s why we’re devoting our third annual microgrant program to combatting cigarette litter. After all, cigarette butts are the most littered item in the country according to our national office Keep America Beautiful – and they’re pretty smart folks. One receptacle can make a world of a difference: a KAB study found that every cigarette receptacle added to an area decreases cigarette butt litter by 9%. (!!) This year, Keep Philly Beautiful will be awarding five microgrants to community based organizations to purchase cigarette litter receptacles and dream big about anti-litter community education & outreach. So check out our guidelines & application. Have questions? Send them our way at info@keepphiladelphiabeautiful.org. And remember, applications are due May 27th! |