Keep Philadelphia Beautiful had quite a busy weekend – and we wanted to share a quick recap with all of you!
Our adventures began on Friday evening, when we spoke about Keep Philadelphia Beautiful at Open Access Philly, a monthly convening of civically engaged Philadelphians sharing projects, passion and resources. We encourage you to sign up and attend the March meeting and see what this network of do-ers is all about.
We were also fortunate to lead a breakout session all about community organizing and diversity at this year’s Inclusive Leadership Conference (ILC) on Saturday. ILC is a leadership development conference open to all Philadelphia area college students organized by Temple University and our good buds at Campus Philly.
And if that wasn’t enough, we were a nonprofit partner for Geeklist‘s worldwide Hack4Good – a hackathon (or an event in which software developers work together on a specific project) geared towards finding technological solutions to social problems. (Check out this webcast we did as a lead-up to the hackathon!) We learned a lot, and hope that some good follow-up will occur as we look to use tech to help address the litter problem in our City.
Put another way, we had an awesome, civically engaged weekend – and we hope you did too. We met a lot of great Philadelphians working hard to make our City better. And if we didn’t see you out and about, or even if we did, we want to hear from you: what are YOUR ideas for how to Keep Philadelphia Beautiful, and how can we work together to put those ideas in to action?